A Solo Exhibition by Dimaz Maulana
Curator : LIR
“This is not my home, this is away” is a fragment of the lyrics of the song “Stone War” by DOM 65 which was created after returning from the PSIM match at Manahan Stadium, Solo in 1998. Dimaz Maulana who is a football archiver chose this lyric fragment as the title of his solo exhibition which illustrates the spirit and experience of supporters in away games.
Away matches, supporters, and violent experiences spread throughout the trip are three interrelated things. Even though it doesn’t always happen, memories of violence during this away matchs often bring anxiety and challenge at the same time. On several occasions, these experiences have become increasingly valuable when retold to the next generation of supporters. One of them was the trip to Solo in 1998, which later in the political context amplified the importance of the incident which allegedly involved the military.
Supporter stories and things that accompany them often only become the background of football events. This was then tried to be presented in a series of archives which were initially distributed in the form of oral history through word of mouth. Dimaz Maulana, who chose the position as archiving supporter, tried to trace back the stories of the journey that was spread among thousands of PSIM supporters in the city of Yogyakarta. It starts from tracing road trip maps that have tense experiences, traces the history of violence on the streets of Yogyakarta which is connected with PSIM supporters, and looks back on the number and whereabouts of these supporters in the geographical context of the city of Jogja itself. All of them are pinned one by one so that they become a temporary museum about supporters, who in the meantime put the suppoter not only as a background but an important part of the history of a football club.
“This is Away” is the third part of the “Curated by LIR” exhibition series in collaboration with KKF. “Curated by LIR” is an exhibition series curated by LIR (Mira Asriningtyas & Dito Yuwono). In this series there are three solo exhibits from: Kurniadi Widodo, Alfin Agnuba, and Dimaz Maulana in September, October and November 2018.
About Dimaz Maulana
Dimaz Maulana, born in 1988, is a graduate from the Faculty of History in UGM. He did football archiving and founded Bawahskor to archive the history of Yogyakarta football, more specifically at the Perserikatan Sepak Bola Indonesia Mataram (Mataram Indonesian Football Association), known as PSIM, since 2010. His first exhibition was held at Lir Space, part of the Ex.Lab program. (Exhibition Laboratory), is a laboratory for making solo exhibition initiated by Lir Space.
A Solo Exhibition “This is Away” by Dimaz Maulana
Opening : Friday, 16 November 2018, 7 pm
in Gallery, Kedai Kebun Forum
The exhibition lasts until 3 Desember, 2018
Open for public and free of charge
every day at 11:00 am to 9:00 pm
(KKF is closed every Tuesday)