Project Archive Exhibition of Milisi Fotocopy 2011 – 2016
Milisi Fotocopy is an art collective that was founded in 2011 in the city of Surabaya. The purpose of this collective is responding to the urban social issues through discussion, writing, action, visual art and publishing. Until 2016, Milisi Fotocopy has produced several exhibitions, publishing books, murals, research project, collecting archival work of groups and individuals, as well as several video documentaries. Milisi Fotocopy have not been previously organized exhibitions of project archive, both inside and outside the city of Surabaya. In this case they realized that holding a presentation in the form of an exhibition and a discussion of the archives of their work is an important activity to do. In addition to a presentation of the work, the purpose of the exhibition is to greet and exchange information about what they have done and found out during the process of the project to the public in the city of Yogyakarta.
In the project archive exhibition entitled “Ngluruk”, Milisi Fotocopy will be presented and presents the archive as well as the documentation of work from 2011 until 2016. This collective exhibition is a retrospective, as well as lifting the findings of their work over the last five years.
About Milisi Fotocopy
Milisi Fotocopy is consist of several individuals who had previously been heavily involved to work together. The purpose in the beginning is to accommodate the idea of the member who have the same interest in the visual arts field toward social criticism. That is because almost all Milisi Fotocopy members come from punk collective. Beside that, they feel that art spaces in Surabaya are elitist; and changes in the city gives the social impact to the people. So then they tried to develop a collective working group of independent and work in the realm of art that offers critical ideas about the closest issues, namely urban social issues.
Participating Artists : Abdoel Semute, Bagus Priyo, Cahyo Prayogo, Tubagus Riski, Rakhmad Dwi Septian, Dimas Giswa, Sandi Crisko, Imanniar Ramadhani, Juve Sandi, Riski Juniartama, Eko Hariadi, Redi Murti, dan Iyan Fabian
Project Archive Exhibition of Milisi Fotocopy 2011 – 2016: “Ngluruk”
Opening : Saturday, 14 January 2017, 7.00 pm
in Gallery KKF
The exhibition will be last until 4 February 2017
The show from Titer Kabared Satoe – Babu Para Gedibal
Open for public and free
Everyday 11.00 am – 9.00 pm
(KKF close on Tuesday)