On February 18, 2017 at around 18:30 Octo Cornelius came to Kedai Kebun Forum (KKF). “Stopped to eat first,” he said. He was on his way to the Cultural Center Building Koesnadi Hardjosoemantri Gadjah Mada University (UGM PKKH) to attend a reunion of the Faculty of Literature UGM. While waiting for his order came, he talked about the experience of his trip to America with The Wayang Bocor Group early February 2017 ago. Octo is a very skilled artist working on wood mechanics. Octo also makes wooden merchandise combined with metal labeled “Woodapple” of coasters, boxes, clothes hanger, etc. He also received orders. One of the orders was he doing at the moment is a wooden basket for my bike.
The stories were paused when the food he ordered came. “Nasi Goreng KKF hehehe .. my favorite. Before leaving my wife reminded me to eat first, I just imagined Nasi Goreng KKF … hehehe “, he said. “A lot of my favorite actually here”, he added quickly corrected. While with his meal, he continued his story when in America. I really enjoyed it.
KKF’s fried rice namely Nasi Goreng KKF is one of many people’s favorite menu. I am very proud of our this fried rice. Fried Rice is one of the Indonesian signature. For the majority of Indonesian people, fried rice is a rescuer food if they are confused to choose from so many options. Why so? Because the basic material is very simple it is rice and soya bean sauce. The flavor of the both ingredient are adhered in every Indonesian’s head. So even the worst fried rice tasted yes “so” … basically SAFE. Therefore Nasi Goreng is very rarely become the mainstay of a restaurant menu, because it seems “simple”, “typical”, “desperate”, “not creative”, “no challenge”, “lack of character”, etc.
The impression of Nasi Goreng which is “like that” is such a concern of mine because we provide a variety of riches menu, and all should be tried by every consumer. I do not want someone coming to the KKF and asking fried rice for fear of not fit in with the other menu. Therefore, I felt challenged to make Nasi Goreng which is enlightening and full of joy.
I must assure you that taste of Nasi Goreng KKF at present, comes through a long process. Fried rice is already in KKF since 1997 but the taste changing oftenly. I examine the spices and ingredients periodicaly until I consider the final in 2010 and since then I added “KKF” behind our Nasi Goreng. Beside the one with “KKF” which is use shrimp as the basic taste, there is one more Nasi Goreng born at the same time, ie Nasi Goreng Lada Hitam (Black Pepper Fried Rice). The basic ingredient of Black Pepper Fried Rice is minced beef. Both later became an idol shining that not only mere SAFE.
As the Indonesian who love to travel and love to eat, the desire to try local specialties tempt more powerful than giving my tongue a taste of rice and soya bean sauce. Oh nooooo … I lie hahaha … if it happen to stop eating at a stall that is less convincing, I ordered the Nasi Goreng also .. lol. (Yustina Neni)