Photo courtesy of Kedai Kebun Forum
Mohammad Hadid or M. Hadid is a comic activist and art activist. His last project was curating of a literacy event initiated by Yustina Neni, director of Kedai Kebun Forum (KKF), called Buku Andalan.
His perspective to see Buku Andalan, is that the event is important to do in order to redefine the word of alternative. According to him, now all the things and everything done in a way of alternative. Through this event he wants to create alternative word become more inclusive. Among other, alternative discourse, method of book production, as well as how to sell book.
Hadid disagree if Buku Andalan seen as a regular book fair that only put forward buying and selling books. In his opinion, the sale and purchase transactions is important, but that is not the only goal he wants to achieve from this activity. Beside sale and purchase transactions also include how certain forms of knowledge conveyed by means of specific and distinctive. Thus, the transaction here also include the exchange of discourse, knowledge distribution, as well as a number of attempts to open channels of new science, both in terms of literature, visual arts, politics, the workings of books, and sequential.
This guy who previously became the coordinator of art discussion in the event Yogyakarta Arts Festival (FKY) 28 added, that Buku Andalan also offers a number of issues, ranging from personal experience and passion, aesthetics, comedy, satire, and so forth.
M. Hadid was born in Jakarta, graduated his bachelor in International Relations at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, and his master at Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta with Religion and Culture Studies discipline. His activities are preoccupied with being an editor in KomiKultur, whose the mission is to disseminate information and knowledge about sequential art, especially comics, also to attempt people to literate comics. One of Hadid penchant is discussing comics in serious way, both in terms of aesthetics and themes. |Yumaya Mija|