Kedai Kebun

Arts – Plants – Kitchen

“Jogja Bergerak” (Jogja on Moves) Project

1 Km Radius: Jogja on Moves!

Picturing City from the shorter distance

Open application without limitation of ages and occupation


Photo Exhibition, Documentary Video, Short Film, and Workshop

28 November 2004 – 27 March 2005


Project Initiator                   : Yustina W. Neni

Project Officer                     : Yustina W. Neni

Project Manager                  : Ratna Mufida

Exhibition & Workshop        : Kedai Kebun Forum



Cities are ideologically to signify the mobility of meaning comprehended by the residents of a distinctive area instead of the geographical significance.


Yogyakarta (Jogja is the nick name) embodies in a stereotyped predicate as the cultural and educational city. The identity of the city is on the move between two pulling sides of carrying out the tradition of palatial life and the modernity of delivering the mission as an educational city. Its modernity goes parallel with the other cities. The local government sets construction, relocation, and infrastructure of the city continuously. Unpredictably, it becomes more interesting and denser.


Bringing cities to mind truly evokes emotions; happy, loving, hateful, longing, pitiful, resentful, pleasant, and so on. Cities are endless topics to discuss with.


The activity is not about picturing Yogyakarta from “the sky” but getting close to it to an intimate corner, catching the city movement of a shorter distance that is 1 Km Radius from a spot taken by the participants in the media of photography, video or film. It is a short distance observation on the growth or stagnation of the city with all its paradoxes. It is such a tracing map of Yogyakarta performed by the city formers merely regarded as completing figures and numbers on the reading of it. The outcomes are out of trace; amazing stories hidden or invisible since they are not represented by those figures and numbers. The result is sharing knowledge and experience on situations, conditions, and moments happening in a particular area as educational and sportive recreation.


Firstly, KKF invites about 50 participants of different ages, professions, sexes, origins, and even sexual orientation to participate in the activity. They do not have to master technically on photography or film-making and there are no requirements to use particular camera or technique. Thus, anyone is freely permitted to join it. The only binding requirement is that a participant should be a resident of the city for at least 2 years. Public is welcome to respond to the exhibition. Anyone may take a part by sending photos or video in relation to the theme for the completion of the exhibition. One may pick up the taken photos, photo clippings in magazines or newspapers, or from photo albums at home.






–          Minimum stay in Yogyakarta is 2 years

–          Minimum 10 pictures, free size, max 10 R

–          The picture does not need to be in the frame, other form of display can be very, for ex in a photo album.

–          Exhibition on the first week of all pictures that sent by the participants.





  1. Oblo Dwi Prasetyo (Photo Journalist)
  2. Angki Purbandono (Artist, photographer)
  3. Denny Wijaya (College student)
  4. Denny Novian (College student)
  5. Tjahyono Prasojo (Archelogy lecturer, Letter Faculty of Gadjah Mada University )
  6. Etty Prasojo (Lecturer, freelance researcher)
  7. Rani (student, 9 years old)
  8. Suluh Pratitasari (Advertising company)
  9. Nunuk Ambarwati (Doc staff of the documentation institution on art)
  10. Vinolia (Mami) (Transvestite, activist on cross gender & HIV education )
  11. Yuni Shara (Transvestite, cross gender activist)
  12. Linda Kaun (Batik artist, USA citizen lives and works in Yogyakarta)
  13. Children of Sanggar Anak Cakrawala (11 children, 6-12 years old) (Alternative Education for children community )
  14. Katrin Bandel (Lecturer, Germany citizen, live and works in Yogyakarta)
  15. Romo Budi Subanar (Lecturer, pastor)




–          Minimum stay in Yogyakarta is 2 years

–          Minimum 10 minutes, maximum 15 minutes

–          Format VCD or DVD

–          Participants can send more than 1 title.

–          This video will be played with the TV on during the last 2 month.

–          The video disk will be arrange in a rack-like outlet VCD rental and spectators will select the VCD/DVD collection through the synopsis that has been provided.





  1. Wimo Ambala Bayang (Photographer & video maker)
  2. Samuel “Genthong” Bagaskara (Freelance backstage crew)
  3. FX Woto Wibowo (Wok the Rock) (Graphic designer, video maker)
  4. Dessy Sahara Angelina (College student, videomaker)
  5. Nunuk Ambarwati
  6. Zulhan Sasmitha (Video maker)
  7. Anang Saptono (College student, video maker)
  8. Gentur-Vietnam & Arsita Pinandito (Video maker)
  9. Ina Arianti (College student, video maker)
  10. Edwin Dolly Ruseno + Choiru pradono (Ndik) (Video maker)
  11. Ibnu Gepeng (Student, videomaker)
  12. Aditya (Cross gender)
  13. Jimmy Mahardika (Video maker & musician)
  14. Children of Sanggar Anak Cakrawala (2 – brother and sister) (Alternative Education for children community )
  15. Budi ‘Tobon’ Arifianto (College student, video maker)
  16. M. Taufan (responden video) (College student)
  17. Rahmat Taufik (photo respondent) (College student)
  18. Shuniya Ruhama Habuballah (photo respondent) (Transvestite, activist on cross gender)




–          During the exhibition, conducted workshops edit photos on the photos on display.

–          The pictures in the display will change every 2 weeks based on the results of the workshop.

–          Workshop will be held every two weeks with specific themes and involving participants from the public.

–          And so forth on the next 2 weeks (more details please see in the exhibition schedule)

–          One of the pictures may not be in display in a particular week, for the consideration group editor (workshop participants)





Activities Date Notes
Initial meeting all exhibition participants 28 November 2004 Field orientation workshop
Deadline collection of photos and videos 28 January 2005
Opening (At 5th) and Exhibition Photo & Video: JOGJA on MOVES: Radius 1 KM 5 – 19 February 2005 All works on display
Workshop Photo Editing I 20 February 2005 Participants: Children 13 years old
Exhibition Photo & Video: JOGJA on MOVES: Radius 1 KM 21 – 5 March 2005 Based on the results of the workshop I
Workshop Photo Editing II 6 March 2005 Old people > 60 years old
Exhibition Photo & Video: JOGJA on MOVES: Radius 1 KM 7 – 19 March 2005 Based on the results of the workshop II



  1. Editing Workshop conducted only on photo
  2. All the video works will be exhibited from February – March 2005




23 : 09 : 04


Director         : Anang Saptoto

Producer        : Anang Saptoto

Editing          : Anang Saptoto

Camera         : Anang Saptoto

Music director : DJ Opiq

Production     : Seri Sehat Video, 2004

Duration        : 10’ 04”

0 Point          : 1 S. Parman Street, Yogyakarta


This is a response to the momentum of birthdays as a continuous custom, to whoever experiences them, and which often provokes humor and is practically unique.


Along with the development of technology, mobile phones, internet, and other communication media serves as media to communicate greetings, but the responses are influenced by every individual background, as basis of behavior and action.


This video tries to represent a little bit about the behavior and response to a birthday, greeting after greeting, the attitudes shown, and activities practiced as an important moment, that makes a birthday very precious.


forget it . forget it not


Director         : Wimo Ambala Bayang

Producer        : Wimo Ambala Bayang

Editing          : Wimo Ambala Bayang

Camera         : Wimo Ambala Bayang

Duration        : 9’13”

0 Point          : Gramedia Book Store Sudirman Street


A freeze of two former presidents of the Republic of Indonesia, which seemed to have been discarded by its owner. Located on the pavement (about 1 km between the Gramedia Book Store and the UGM roundabout). Will the people forget it or not?



1 Km Mengenang Sejarah


Producer        : Budi

Editing          : Tobon

Camera         : Arifianto

Music director : the late WR. Supratman

Narrator        : the late Ir. Soekarno

Production     : demiTuhancintatanahairFilm, 2005

Duration        : 05’ 05”

0 Point          : in front of the Vredeburg Fort



“A great nation is one that appreciates the services of its heroes,” said the late Ir. Soekarno. Now, it is the moment to reveal the heroic tales of our heroes through several media and ways.


One of the most magnificent monuments in Jogja is the Vredeburg Fort, standing strong, which houses dioramas about the processes of our local heroes in achieving the freedom of eternity.


As a visual media, we don’t want to seem pretentious to love the nation. The existing visualization is very explicit for everyone to accept, even for a young child. We tried not to show absurdity, which the audience would need to interpret.






Director         : Dolly + Ndik

Producer        : Dolly + Ndik

Editing          : Dolly + Ndik

Camera         : Dolly + Ndik

Photo            : Angki PU Stock Foto

Duration        : 8’19”

Point 0          : Brongtokusuman


B1 is one of the terms for dishes made from dog meat. Jogja itself has many similar terms, such as: tongseng jamu, sengsu, and kicik. There are many warung stalls and restaurants selling these dishes. But for some people who consume this food don’t yet know about the process of how the dogs were treated to being served on the table. And this documentary film is an illustration from a friend’s story of his/her experience and love of eating dog meat.



Director         : Wok The Rock

Producer        : Wok The Rock

Editing          : Wok The Rock

Camera         : Wok The Rock

Duration        : 6’ 15”

0 Point          : Iromejan



Are you comfortable with designed commodities for the collective comfort? Several conformities in social life had verbally been made, with the aim to create a harmonious life for the best interests of everyone. When we find that efforts in doing so were not satisfactory from one perspective, a new agreement, often one-sided, often provoked emotional actions.


1/2 PAKAI  (½ USED)

Director         : Ina Arianti

Producer        : Ina Arianti

Editing          : Ina Arianti

Camera         : Ina Arianti

Duration        : 2’ 43”

0 Point          : Secondhand clothes shop on Parangtritis Street km 3


The development of fashion continues to take place, including in Jogja, the imported clothing business is a part of that. As time goes by, more and more people talk about it, look for it, even when at the start, and even until now, there are sometimes still negative thoughts, about this business. However, we cannot deny that the imported clothes or ‘abul-abul’ has an important role in the development of fashion in Jogja the last couple of years.




Director         : Vietnam Video Project Development. Co (Guntur Surya Sukeni/

                           Arsita Pinandito Djumadi)

Producer        : Vietnam Video Project Development. Co

Editing          : Vietnam Video Project Development. Co

Camera         : Vietnam Video Project Development. Co

Soundtrack    : Answer in stereo

Production     : Vietnam Video Project Development. Co, 2005

Duration        : 6’ 51”

0 Point          : the security guard post in front of Ngasem market


R-O-A-D-1…documentary video?!? Or art video?!?…I don’t know!!! One thing for sure is that  [VIETNAM] has always had an interest in words and words, moreover ones available around us. So what? …well, to develop the awareness on: how small, still inexperienced, bowing low, millions of respect of [VIETNAM] on all that previously existed. It is a reverse journey, with the 0 point of the guard post in front of Ngasem market…about without burden because everything is there, and all you need to do is take your step walking…let’s enjoy! Let’s copy-paste! Let’s steal! Let’s dance!…to death?!?




Director         : Vietnam Video Project Development. Co (Guntur Surya Sukeni/

                           Arsita Pinandito Djumadi)

Producer        : Vietnam Video Project Development. Co

Editing          : Vietnam Video Project Development. Co

Camera         : Vietnam Video Project Development. Co

Soundtrack    : Answer in stereo

Production     : Vietnam Video Project Development. Co, 2005

Duration        : 2’ 03”

0 Point          : Sasono Hinggil


R-O-A-D-2…what else is this? A documentary video?!? Or art video?!? Or playpauseplaypause video?!? Or graphic motion?!?…once again: I don’t know!!!…and once again it is [VIETNAM]’s interest in words and words, One thing for sure is that [VIETNAM] has always had an interest in words and words, moreover ones available around us. So what? …well, to develop the awareness on: how small, still inexperienced, bowing low, millions of respect of [VIETNAM] …It is a still-record on all the roads within the 1km radius and the Sasono Hinggil as 0 point…mmh, so why is it always put on both ends?…it seems such a waste…what is a road anyway?…where do you enter and where do you exit?




Director         : Nunuk Ambarwati

Producer        : Nunuk Ambarwati

Editing          : Nunuk Ambarwati

Camera         : Nunuk Ambarwati

Duration        : 7’ 30”

0 Point          : myself


The 0 point in this video was myself, therefore when I am at a location, that is where my 0 point is. This video was a simple research result, on 20 respondents I met by asking the same question, “what do you think about Javanese sensuality?” It was easier for me to visualize their thoughts through referring to nouns. But many respondents also mentioned characteristics such as klemak-klemek or being sluggish, unggah-ungguh or having knowledge of stratified behaviour, and even the idea of stillness. This video clearly does not represent the meaning of Javanese sensuality itself. Therefore, this video also re-questions my respondents, the audience enjoying this video, about “what do you think of as Javanese sensuality?”




Director         : Ibnu Gepeng & Togar

Producer        : Ibnu Gepeng & Togar

Editing          : Ibnu Gepeng & Togar

Camera         : Ibnu Gepeng & Togar

Duration        : 7’ 11”

0 Point          : Galeria Mall


Interview with young people about masturbation. And what the doctor said.




Director         : Zulhan Sasmitha Kurniawan

Producer        : Zulhan Sasmitha Kurniawan

Editing          : Zulhan Sasmitha Kurniawan

Camera         :

Duration        : 2’ 48”

0 Point          : Gayam Junction


“…as a city with many visitors who come and go, the community actually has a thirst for entertainment…”

“…a good opportunity to return the people’s enthusiasm to go to the cinemas again…”

“…very enthusiastic for people to go to the cinema when Jogja does not have a representative cinema…”

“…to revitalize the cinema…”

“…to force investors to make cinemas…”

“…the location should be adjoined to the mall, hotel…”

“…can the cinema persevere…”

“…next time please play the film elsewhere, not at Permata, it was scary…”




Director         : Dessy Zahara Angelina

Producer        : Dessy Zahara Angelina

Editing          : Dessy Zahara Angelina

Camera         : Dessy Zahara Angelina

Duration        : 12’ 9”

0 Point          : Jogokaryan mosque


One day in Jogja, a mass festival of massacre turned 180 degrees round when the despicable killers returned the souls they took away from the good vulnerable beings. A touching story of a high level magical technique, that changed cruelty to goodness. For the beloved goats and cows, I hope someday you won’t have to go through such a terrible life and death.




Script/Director         : Jimmy Mahardika

Producer                 : Jimmy Mahardika

Editing                    : Richardus Ardita

Camera                   : Bramantyoko

Music                     : Trace

Duration                  : 9’ 2”

0 Point                    : Perumahan Pilahan Permai Kotagede (Pilahan Permai

                                      Housing Complex, Kotagede)


A quiet housing complex…

Only concrete houses talking

Far from warmth besides

The warmth of the sun

And artificial objects

There’s nothing locally traditional

But this is in Jogjakarta


Knock on that house door

Who knows it will never

Ever open

Or perhaps we will never know

The contents of that house


Or we have once entered

and was reluctant to make A DOOR!





Director         : Ratu (9 years, Anak Cakrawala studio)

Producer        :

Editing          : Ratu

Camera         : Ratu

Duration        : 7’ 58”

Point 0          : Gedong Kiwo


I edited Semrawut (chaotic) because I thought it was easy. Why? Because Jogja is very, very chaotic. What is semrawut? Semrawut is a crowded situation. If I were living inJakarta, I could have taken the picture anywhere. Yes…because JAKARTA is very chaotic. The chaos in JAKARTA is 5 times larger than in JOGJA. Mbak Nadia (my teacher) and I took the shot in…? You can see it for yourself later on he..he…he…mmmm…Okay, that’s all. Bye…bye…




Director         : Desmon Wahyu Sekar Batu (Sanggar Anak Cakrawala)

Producer        :

Camera         : Desmon Wahyu Sekar Batu

Editing          : Desmon Wahyu Sekar Batu

Duration        : 10’ 08”

Point 0          : Gedong Kiwo


The reason I chose this theme was because sometimes I feel stuck, also because the smoke disturbs me, people stuck in traffic jams, in several shoots you can see graffiti on the walls, of which many you can still see in Jogja. Although in Jogja the police has tried to prevent it from happening, but still there are many graffitis. The main point of this film is that there has already been so much destruction, similar to our custom. There were even some chaotic situations in our custom. I hope that people will realize for themselves that the chaos in Jogja is a custom we don’t need.





Producer        : Wakid Aw

Editing          : Gentong

Camera         : Gentong

Music director : –

Narrator        : –

Production     : Pideophilia

Duration        :  09’ 00

0 Point          : The Cemeti Foundation office


Evening sports can be healthy for the body and fun…

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