Suddenly Agus Hartono and his wife appeared at Kedai Kebun Forum (KKF), we are delighted with his arrival. Once seated mas Agus directly order Bakwan Jagung and black coffee small cups. KKF’ Bakwan Jagung is truly tasty and tender, even though it was cold at being talked, remains soft not hard. A plate contents 5 pieces.
A: “How can it be soft?”
YN: “Each one portion made one small chicken eggs certainly fitting”
Agus Hartono is an environmentalists from Lestari NGO based in Kotagede, Yogyakarta. Environmental problems become his main concern everyday is about the garbage. If he comes for sure we got new knowledge from the many stories about his work in the field. This time while eating bakwan, mas Agus told about his activity a walk along the river in Klaten. “There’s a napkin?” He asked. Yes, he consistently reduce waste by not using tissue. “Yes bos, we have”, I replied with a grin embarrassed shifting tissue. (Yustina Neni)