A Solo Drawing Exhibition by Ipeh Nur
Writer : Alia Swastika
Banda Island as a source of nutmeg spices has given rise to the historical narrative of colonialism of the archipelago that is always forgotten in our history books. At the beginning of the 17th century, Banda had many rich merchants who profited from the nutmeg trade in Ternate Tidore. JP Coen, known as the brave and cruel and ambitious VOC governor general, then came and planned the mass execution of the Banda people. Thousands of people became victims of the VOC’s operations. Some people managed to escape to several islands around Banda Neira. In this series of atrocities is the special execution of the rich. The execution is even recorded in the memory as a dramatic event, in which JP Coen invites Japanese samurai to decapitate them, along the coast under a very heavy rain.
After Banda natives were killed and marginalized, JP Coen organized the arrival of workers from various places, Java, Bali, Bugis, Celebes, and so on. Banda became one of the most multicultural areas of the period. Ipeh tried to portray the narrative as an attempt to imagine the atrocities that occurred at that time in the exhibition entitled “Banda” which took place at the Kedai Kebun Forum, May 20 to June 9, 2018.
About Ipeh Nur
Ipeh’s works usually deal with personal experiences, such as anxiety, fear, cynicism, skepticism, about her own life experience or just responding to the problems that occur around her. This dramatic visual enthusiast is a graduate of the Graphic Arts Faculty, ISI Yogyakarta. Creating interaction in the work, using objects outside the narrative, as if someone responded to an image in a work. Most of Ipeh’s works are black and white illustrations on paper and some of her works use screen printing, etching, mural, and also making sculptures of recin.
A Solo Drawing Exhibition “Banda” by Ipeh Nur
Opening : Sunday, 20 May, 2018, 8.00 pm
in Gallery, Kedai Kebun Forum
The exhibition lasts until 9 June, 2018
Open for public and free of charge
every day at 11:00 am to 9:00 pm
(KKF is closed every Tuesday)
More info please contact Uniph 0857-2580-9139